Tuesday, March 29, 2005

A rant we can all love (even if it is to hate)

Hey it's me again Hank the Cowdog... no wait, those are just very humorous audio tapes...
so I'm back and I'm talking about one of those great things that is more underated than almost anything else in the world. Honesty

yes that's right folks the often used and rarely adheared to virtue of being a straight shooter. It gets more lip service than the clientell of some Vagus service industries.

I'll open with the words (some of them anyway) from the Depeche Mode song POLICY OF TRUTH.

It’s just time to pay the price
For not listening to advice
And deciding in your youth
On the policy of truth

. . .

You’ll see your problems multiplied
If you continually decide
To faithfully pursue
The policy of truth

They collectivly describe the over all attitude that greats the idea of truth. Yes surely these are not the ideas that are said to be supported, but actions speak louder than words.
I will be blunt, I find lies to be purely a sign of weakness just like the fear they are based on. No one who is without fear will lie, and the more fearless the person they fewer their deceptions. I would challange anyone reading this to provide me with a solid example of where a lie shows courage. I will debate the point hotly but if you can show me otherwise (and yes I will really be considering what's said) then I'll change my tune.

Here's my oppinion, if you have weakness of self, if you have doubt in your own person, if you fear that your intent is infeiror to those around you and cannot stand on it's own merits then you will lie. I have seen many lies, all of them are a result of worry or fear of some kind weather valid or invalid. But there is always another option, if you don't for whatever reason feel it right and wise to state what you know you don't have to lie you just have to tell the plain truth, and simply say "I'm not going to answer that". Well there's more, oh so much more that this rant could hold but I'll do it later, the ladies here I believe need attention so I'm going to cut it short.

Please all if you comment on none of the others comment on this one, it's more key than almost anything for yours truely and I want to test it as fully as I'm able. Which of course means help.



Anonymous said...

what of lying for the sake of protecting someone other than one's self?


Sol said...

lying is still a matter of fear, weather or not that fear is for ones self or for someone else. and weather or not that fear is well founded or not. But you do make a good point, it's not quite the same ballgame is it?


Sol said...

maguschild, you know I'm begining to think I was speaking way to much in my head. Hate to me is a part of fear, or the fallen side of love, the fear of someone's rejection being right. The act of making another lesser to try and not feel lesser ones self.
So in that it is part of what I was saying. As to humor, yes I do see your point and I agree with you... so much so in fact that I've never consider those lies. If you say something with no intent to be believed (i.e. scarcasm or embelished humor) then to me it is not a lie because the INTENT to decive is key to a lie. As it was first explained to me a lie is when you present something as true knowing full well that it is not.

In any event it is very intresting to ponder and I thank you for your thoughts.
