Thursday, March 31, 2005

A funny thing, or "Never say Never Alice"

You know I wasn't going to post this at all, then I read Franks post and while it's Thursday now this mood of mine is bleed over from the "W" of doom, no not the guy in the white-house (tho he surely is a contender) the day of the week. I really have no heart to get into the details, suffice to say that I've been disrespected, dismissed, and basically betrayed by someone I couldn't quite bring myself to believe would do that. And the harshest part of it all, not even the actions (or lack there of) but the sad fact that she (yea who didn't see that coming) doesn't even get it, can't seem to grasp why I'm upset at all. I guess it's just me who finds it hurtful when someone I love treats my word as meaningless, my principles as a facade, and our agreements with each other as trivial.
I know I know I'm being cynical and self pitying. But hell if I do it here then those who care can read it and any who don't can easily ignore it without harm done. At least I feel a little less alone this way. You know I count myself a fair judge of character, but I never saw this coming.


F.G. Shaw said...

You know Justin, my Wednesday just got worse and worse. Lost a ten page scene for the page I'm working on, my refigerator broke, the carpet underneath it and the sink is coming up, and on top of that... it's not over... it continues on today like a big looming cloud. So while I didn't have my emotions toyed with yesterday, it was, overall a shitty day. So, I'm there with you brother, all I need is for a lovely woman to come in and crush my tesiticles underhill, that would put a fine topper on the week.

Sol said...

well Frank I do feel better to have the company of someone as quality as yourself, but I wouldn't trade the copmany for you having such a poor time if I were able to see clear to change it for you. Excersise in theory sure, but I guess it's just my way of saying thanks for the support brother and I wish for things to improve for you sooner not later.