Wednesday, March 09, 2005

To my dear Dr. Lecter...

the following is a response to an e-mail I received entitled the same as this post

You know I just watched those movies the other day, day before yesterday I believe it was. All three of them in a row in fact were on. Missed about a half of the marathon but spend hours watching none the less. I was quite pleased, and very "thinkish" as I put it at the time. *grins* You see I'm one of the very few people who devoutly believes that everything Hannibal does is within not only the realm of possibility, but perhaps with effort even my own grasp.
I would dearly love to understand someone, much less Nye on everyone, so well. It is, somehow, deeply compelling. What is your goal in life? I know I keep asking you this, and I know you've answered it. I ask again because it seems to me that the deeper truth of this answer has yet to be breeched and I would very much like to see it. Now do not miss conceive me here, I'm not of the mind that you are in any way striving to deceive me, simply that there are layers as yet untapped, perhaps be you as well. I've always been drawn to secrets, to enigmas, puzzles, mazes, riddles, rhymes... they are the cashmere vails in which truths are clad. I would be interested in the peoples of the universities of this or any other nation. But they are of prime interest to me as peoples, not as individuals. It is the group which grants the complexities that draw me. Perhaps that is part of why I am such as I am regarding romances, terribly deep and all at the same time very far ranging. It's a paradox, which perhaps is why I'm unable to find a reason for it aside from it it's self. I as a whole am rather a paradox which is very likely why I feel compelled to try and find it.
My other search of late is for a job, because if I have money then I am free of my own sense of obligation and thus able to unfold more fruitfully in that environment of decreased constraints and increased (especially personal) honesty. I find that those two often go hand in hand don't you? The fewer the constraints placed upon a person, no matter where they originate, the fewer impulses to deceive or deflect are present within them.
I wish to say more to you for I know you're a mind whole ability to perceive is not in question and a soul whos willingness to explore has been noted. However I will simply leave you with this for it is the last clear thing I have to say at this very moment.

“Reality is collaborative, truth is intimate”

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